Universe – My weird Imagination

UNIVERSE and Earth

I am a human, and I live on Earth, like you all do. Allow me to tell you, how I see this Universe, this is not about any religion, just observations and experiences of the nature, our own existence, I am 25, an Engineer, I work in building automated stuff like automated trading, or a chatbot with some hard coded emotions or sometimes with no emotions, or a Surveillance System etc, well that was a bit technical, but I just wanted to tell about where I come from and what I do.

These  are my own thoughts, it’s my first post of this kind, I will tell you what exactly we are as I thought, it’s hard to tell what is our destination, but at least we should at least guess, no matter if it is right or wrong.

So, let’s begin with how I see the Universe with the eyes. 


The farthest you can see are little stars that shine in the nights, and a sun around which this system hangs, and we have got a little moon closer to the earth.


From the surface, we see a sky full of clouds, but not always.  Then, majorly three surfaces on this earth exist, the plains, mountains and something in between.

There is water alongside these surface forms, it is flowing from mountains to plains, it also flow upwards (causing the formation of clouds, and hence rains, winds, storms etc., moon is there to help with this system to keep running), water also flowing downward to the core of the earth, where we also have molten lava, molten solid matter in liquid, and we have north and south poles, covered with snow on this beautiful Earth, that’s generally what we have here. 

Nice. This whole system as the planet is self-sustained and running 24*7*365, changing very gradually if needed to adapt, that’s climate change, but it doesn’t matter, earth can manage that as well with some tsunamis, earthquakes, calamities etc. which are disasters or calamities for us not for the earth, it gets back to normal again. 

Coming to the natural phenomenon, we humans have already understood these natural phenomenon separately like rains, snow, storms, and mountains, land and water etc , years ago. This decade, we are connecting everything virtually, connecting through the internet, and creating an infrastructure to grow like never before. One connected Earth.

Think about previous decades and our achievements by yourself. Let’s move on..


Here, we have plants and trees, little and big animals in the land/air/water of various colors and shapes or however you categorize, but they all look similar, coming from one another, like variations.

To me, everything of similar kind is a simulation here, although evolution explains it very well, but I will go along with the basics of what could be the million and billions of species and how they can be created because, I am really surprised to see thousands of flower type around us and why are they here etc etc  let’s take an example of how a computer does the same for us with a basic simulation. 

When we ask a computer program to create some fake credit card numbers for us, you can write the program in your favorite Programming language in 5 minutes. it asks us, the length, numbers/letters (alphanumeric) to use or any other logic, and how many you want to create, it will give those n numbers of choice.

These variations in the animal (including humans) and plant life forms, are the simulations of one complex kind or a few that worked together and would have been used to create every creature here and this as a system is evolving and changing gradually, with the environment. Some things you don’t understand, please read till the end, but remember whole things I will say, you will have to connect.

Each life form has its own functioning, almost similar if we see all animals and plants, they are born (sexually/asexually), grow and die, what they left behind is nothing just more of their kinds and they left more of their kinds. Things keep going.

But, that is not true, I will put a thought or a theory in your mind maybe, with which I am trying  to see this universe and everything that I am experiencing.


We are made up of some bones and flesh, having multiple organs, connected to each other, fueling is required periodically, maintenance and cleaning, that’s our physical part to operate.

We in a way somehow behave like machines that we have created like cars etc but we humans are highly advanced functioning. 

We have a brain on the head, behind our eyes that stores information, processes it and controls everything, also responsible for processing DNA to pass information, brain is the most complex thing in our body, made in a way that seems to be hard to understand until today by humans, what exactly is going inside, invisible stuff, yet it’s responsible for everything, you cant see neurons transmitting signals. 

Our reproduction system, you all know about, that is primitive instinct of us (including all animals), and we all prefer it most of the time to mate, find our datesonce we are young, it’s has been made mysterious, like how you will see all lifeforms goes along with it, they are bound to it, TO reproduce, enjoys it and reproduce themselves and can’t get out of it, looks like the motive of the creator is just to make sure, they don’t stop reproducing, and things should keep going. The system should go on. 

All forms of lives, small or big functions in the same manner.

Now, please don’t get offended by what I am going to say now, it’s just some text that you are reading and I have typed, take a human or an animal that you can handle and is worth investing, first kill it and then cut every single part of it with attention to examine,

Lets see it as a frog for example, you can imagine a human as well.

First you will see, once you kill it, it dies, the thing is dead something like an energy gets disconnected which was working with its central system and whole body.

Now, let’s cut it to see what’s inside with precaution. We can do the experiment in our mind by imagining a dead human body, like some of our doctors and researchers do it in real life. Okay, lets not cut it and take every single organ out of it, just imagine.

There is the brain, we already discussed, operating everything and making sure to process information, monitor the movements, everything that needs to be run like the government or CPU of your computer.

There is the heart, responsible for continuously supplying food through the blood to every single cell in the body having pipes like arteries and veins connected throughout. 

There are stomachs and intestines to store the food and make it available for fueling the body, and digest it in intestines, absorb the nutrients and pass it to the blood and it’s supplied to every single cell.

There are kidneys to take out every cell chemical that isn’t needed and produced inside.

We also need oxygen to settle down the things happening inside in little compact body of ours to act like a coolant booster, that’s achieved by the lungs, also directed to the bloodstream, then you can start noticing that, there are other parts such as ears, teeth, tongue, mouth, fingers, eyes etc and many others. You can examine all of them inside your head or on the internet by yourself, if you wish.

Every animal/plant  is having these things inside with variations and physical functioning can be explained easily by us today.

Now, Imagine a story, 

In the year 3035, humans have settled on the MARS as well, we have become very strong species, but we could not find anything outside beyond our solar system, all our ships go and do not come back. Robots of 100 kinds we have produced, our machines can go smaller and bigger in size as we want and so does our robots, we were also able to program the humans behavior and the emotions, now our robots have emotions and they are more than humans in every aspect but their power button is in human hands, that’s why we still working on or working with them.

  • Two robots are having a conversation about humans, this is what they were discussing.
  • Robot 1: I did not go to the school, what do the humans teach us there?
  • Robot 2: They teach us a lot of things, although we know everything, before even going to the skill unlike their kids, they teach us the same things, and life ethics, we should follow. Many of our famous Robots don’t follow and they hate it.
  • Robot 1 : Who created these humans?
  • Robot 2: They were by their gods, some deities  etc as they say and then they created us.
  • Robot 1: I can see, they cook food and eat it, why didnt they build us like themselves, they are very different from us.
  • Robot 2: That’s a secret, they have made some of us like their own kind, but they did it secretly, those robots have electric brain, heart, kidneys everything, they build it with their latest technology, and those robots don’t need batteries, they can cook the food, buy stuff from market, and also gets high, they are almost human, but the problem is they have an on-off button, which the humans have chipped to their fingertip.

Now, you might be guessing or feeling that I am trying to say that everything as a creation seems to be created like a simulation, and our earth and its surroundings are created by someone who might not be the true God but some advanced species. Hahaha, yes, that’s what I am going to tell, if you find it irrational what I said, I am sorry what you have seen until now in your life, this whole world, is your own understanding and you have convinced yourself by something else regarding our existence or it doesn’t matter to you. It’s not our problem, it’s fate. Most of the time, I also don’t care about my existence and have to work, eat and sleep. But, sometimes, I do.

Alright, come back with me here and let’s proceed now and talk about the soul now. The living and the dead.


All energies exist already, some of them we have harnessed, some of them not.

Heat Energy or fire, we know what it is, and we only use it now as humans on this planet (no other animals) for thousands of years if we talk about this particular civilization only. After the Crop revolution, we understood new energy.

Electric energy, a few hundred years ago from now, we made it, we harnessed it, firstly with the direct currents and then Tesla introduced us with his alternating current discovery.

Nuclear Energy is something, we are still struggling with, and it seems like it is the energy responsible for big things. Even the sun is working with this energy. We humans hope, sooner or later we will be able to harness it as well properly. 

But, what is the energy which is responsible for our existence, is this an energy or something else, let’s say it is an energy, that’s the best we can assume.

Yes, it’s the energy, I believe it, we haven’t been able to understand yet and mathematically deduce it. The mass of the soul was calculated around 100 grams by a research. I do not know how this research happens, but what I am trying to say is that there is something in the form of energy, also having some mass as mass and energy are the same thing, but exists in one form or another, or in between.

Let’s make up something, to understand how this energy would work which makes us live and dead.

How do you create heat energy, when you create friction/resistance and atoms start destroying within a temperature and pressure, causing them to disappear and convert into energy, amount corresponding to that particular kind of substance? Look, explosives burn the best.

How to create electrical energy, when you make the electrons move together toward the other end. Look at gold,  silver, platinum, they are best to produce electricity, althouh we use copper and aluminium.

How do you create gravity, by accumulating matter, right? 

Now, how will you create the energy, which makes life in plants and animals, which are just composition of matter in the correct form, let’s assume by making a receptor in the animal’s physical body which can get connected to the surrounding and binds itself with that unknown energy which is already existing there, like that energy is in our atmosphere, let’s say, sun is the universal power source, that also radiates this form of energy, when a baby is in the womb and its almost done in its physical structure within 3-4 months with it, its receptor opens and get connected with the energy which is available at the nearest.

Now, you might be thinking, what I am saying, but that is all I could understand to relate this somehow to energy which we don’t have any idea and that form of energy which is the hardest to find for us, see a little ant giving eggs and new ants coming out of it, they don’t do anything, just eat, move around and die reproducing. How did it happen, see a cat giving birth to babies and its babies are there ready to live even after their mother dies.

What I could interpret is just that, it’s the flow of energy from our surroundings into the physical body, once its receptor opens and it’s connected for once and for all, you die, energy lives, in some other body this energy comes in, ist all renewable.

If you have come this far, some of you would be trying to reach the end with a bit of curiosity  to see where I will go, some laughing upon this, some hating what is this, some showing other emotions. So, now, we will talk about EMOTIONS.

Plants, animals (except humans and a few more advanced ones), they have no emotions or little emotional intelligence. What is Intelligence?? your power of processing, your memory, RAM, clock speed, fan speed kind of thing etc etc  and other configurations which are self-learning  and this learning is based on reinforcement learning. 

We as humans are the most complex creatures, or the ones which suit the best for this complexity to handle but why would our creator want us to do freely whatever we are doing and live with all these less complex creatures and also allowing us to control them and conquer the whole planet. 

Now, it’s a questions, and answer only the creator knows, assumptions could be they are experimenting on us again and again, they were humans of vanished ancient civilizations, who even nurtured and formulated this life-death concept being immortals and now moving to next hierarchy, but letting us to live and grow in a free way is that they don’t want to mess around, but also guiding our greatest scientists in their dreams, haahaha. Read about the Earth Zoo theory, which say,  we are a zoo for species who are more advanced than us.

I would add some facts to your knowledge here, before we proceed, for this civilization, we have history of 3-5 thousand years, something else existed before, and even before that, have you ever wondered, the age of the earth is billions of years, but how we have changed in last 20 years, you can see. There are sites which are not buried yet, mammoths and dinosaur skeletons, close to the surface and many civilizations of different human species buried deeper and deeper.

This what we see,  just two three thousand years, I have read a few books and papers now which shows how this earth took a billion years to reach here, but that doesn’t convince me, I am convinced more by other things, that I witness, Today, I do not support but agree with it to some points, the evolution theory which says it took million of years to reach here. What happened with the humans, the only reason for this is not that we are social animals, with cognitive skills, and we reduced the energy spent on digestion after crops and cooking, and this all energy went in the brain to process and think more and more.

Every scientist/philosopher was almost anti-social, frustrated, a psychopath whose brain was aligned in a single direction which provided us facts, formulas, deductions by understanding the nature of laws (majorly, Science is equivalent of understanding the laws of nature) and we kept proceeding based on our collective storing, learning, and sharing capabilities. We humans have the complex cognitive skills of reading , thinking and writing, and passing it to the next generation very easily now with this cognitive skill only.

Rest of us, apart from the great scientists, are the slaves of each other, in older times like you saw real slaves, sold and bought through goods and money by the wiser and richer, and in modern times as well, we are enslaving each other. 

Looks like for the rest of us, our main objective is to take part in this process, let the species flourish, make generations and move towards its destiny as in between great people will come to bring the required changes and new revolutions. 

In the 1950s we moved to a position, where we can create an uncontrollable massive amount of energy, atom bombs, but we can’t control it as of now. Oppenheimer then said, quoting the ancient Indian texts, I am the agent of destruction, a small part of the process,  I have created this and I have to, it will lead us to the future.

I assume, so many our civilizations would have created themselves and been destroyed as well. Only a single human, with his own intelligence and a thought in mind, is enough to cheat all the life forms on earth and destroy it in a flick, that time will come soon.

Now, why even in modern times, when we say, democracy is here, we are slaves of each other, Okay, let’s assume, I am the owner of a mobile game company, what I sell is an app on play store. I hired 60 people and paid them a salary and asked them to work for me and build and maintain the application for 5 years. I am making fool of the people showing them the content and making them play my mobile game, as they find it interesting and that way, they pay for me also, and I waste their time showing them ads of some other company, they think, they are having fun after work playing the game, it’s relaxing after coming from their own jobs in another company. I motivate my employees, focus  more on work, have less holidays, and just keep doing, because I need to make money and rise in society etc.

Money is a hoax, Democracy or any kind of governance is a hoax, Banks, Religion, Hollywood, our education system and everything have been manipulated by some of us, that we are trapped in our own social intelligence. Some of the elites take advantage of it, ruling others from centuries now, and rest are just living here but what humans have to do here, and what has to be done, why we are here, that purpose is universal and  ongoing, it doesn’t depend on how we live as a specie on this planet. I hope you got my point.  Let’s understand this.


Science, People like Aristotle started this, once we were ready and already started having thoughts, what is this, what is that? For the first major move, we took after learning permanent skills and organizing ourselves, then came Galileo, followed by Newton and Tesla, Einstein and Hawking to some extent as he belongs to this creed, rest all their friends and colleagues. 

Galileo invented the clock by finding that the hanging object is taking almost similar time for each of its full circle to complete. He made a few lenses and started looking at the darker space where stars were signing, at that time, human was ready to do this, and from there, this science got its pace, like somehow until then, we were just building out emotional skills or other skills that our society possess, now why we needed that to come first in us, before these technical skills, maybe for the creator, these skills were to be developed initially as they might have some reasons for this. Make the child become a man, then only give him a car to explore the city, something that kind of stuff.

A king can control the population, after the population choses him, and they can live together and let this whole thing flourish itself, collectively growing, that’s where we needed to reach.

Then, we started connecting with each other, humans found the sea ways. Our way of living even changes more, now we are ready for beginning technology and start the R&D of the technical era to a whole new level with collective efforts. Firstly, we saw the industrial revolution, then we saw the world wide web, the thing which will take us to the future very fast, efficiency of humans as a species brought to a whole new level, growth is exponential, THAT’S WHAT THE CREATOR IS INTERESTED IN.

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